Clifford Grekin Inc.
Call Cliff Grekin at 631-963-6020
or E-mail Cgrekin91@aol.com
Prompt Service - Fast personal response for all issues
Annual Review - Volatile market requires it
Carrier Relationships - helps to expedite problem solving
Claims Problems - Satisfy 90% of problems
- Billing Problems - Satisfy 98% of problems
- Employee Transactions - Enrollments, terminations, COBRA, Etc...
- Creative Benefit Designer - Best value for your premium dollar
- NO additional fee's, I accept insurance company commissions as full payment
- Up to date website - Rates, new regulations, insurance carrier forms and information
If you are not receiving all of these services from your current broker or you don't have a current broker, please consider assigning Clifford Grekin Inc. as your broker of record. references available upon request.